Rape Crisis South London run the Rape Crisis National Helpline for female survivors of sexual violence. The Helpline is accessible 365 days a year to women aged 13+ who have survived any form of sexual violence, no matter how long ago.
If you wish to seek help and support for any gender-based violence issues, then please consider the organisations and helplines listed below for advice.
National organisations
Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid is a national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. They support a network of over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK.
FGM Helpline – NSPCC
The Female Genital Mutilation helpline provides support to anyone who is worried a child is at risk of, or has had, FGM. It’s free, anonymous and 24/7.
Childline offers a free and confidential advice service for children and young people provided by phone, email, message boards and online chat.
Survivors Trust
The Survivors Trust is a national umbrella agency for 130 specialist voluntary sector agencies providing a range of counselling, therapeutic and support services working with women, men and children who are victims/survivors of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse.
Changing Lives
Changing Lives is a charity providing specialist support for thousands of vulnerable people and their families in locations nationally. At Changing Lives Halton Domestic Abuse Service, we provide safe accommodation for adults and children fleeing domestic abuse in Refuge as well as outreach services.
ROAR – LGBT* Domestic Abuse Advocacy Service
Weekly Drop-In: Tuesday mornings 10.30am-12pm at Earl’s Court Health and Wellbeing Centre, 2b Hogarth Road, London, SW5 OPT
National Domestic Violence Helpline
24 hour helpline operated by Women’s Aid and Refuge.
Galop provides the national helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people experiencing domestic violence.
Stop It Now
Support for people who are looking to stop inappropriate thoughts or behaviour towards children.
Refuge is a UK charity offering support to women and children experiencing domestic violence.
Respond works with children and adults with learning disabilities who have experienced abuse or trauma, as well as those who have abused others, through psychotherapy, advocacy, campaigning and other support.
Karma Nirvana
Operated by Karma Nirvana, this honour victim helpline is unique as those who call have the option to speak to a survivor whose experience is invaluable in supporting the caller’s decision making process.
Men’s Advice Line
The Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for all men experiencing domestic violence by a current or ex-partner. This includes all men – in heterosexual or same-sex relationships.
Respect phoneline
The Respect Phoneline is for people who are concerned about their abusive behaviour towards a partner or family member.
Regional organisations
WomenCentre is a charity with a mission to improve quality of life for women through our pioneering work with women and girls. WomenCentred Working offers insight, based on expertise in working with women and girls facing severe and multiple disadvantage across a range of sectors which can be shared in order to develop local and national agendas, and make the case for women-centred solutions.
Safe Lives
Safe Lives aims to prevent domestic violence and supports women and children as survivors.
For general enquiries, please call our Bristol office on the number below or email info@safelives.org.uk
CAN Mezzanine, 32-36 Loman Street, London, SE1 0EH
Suite 2a, Whitefriars, Lewins Mead, Bristol, BS1 2NT, Tel. 0117 403 3220
Basis Young People
Basis Young People offer 1-to-1 specialist support to young people in Leeds who are being sexually exploited, as well as raising awareness in schools, training professionals and campaigning against the stigma and judgement faced by young people with experience of sexual exploitation.
94 North St, Leeds LS2 7PN
Let’s Talk About It
Sexual Violence Helpline run by North London Rape Crisis.