We welcome the in-kind support of organisations and individuals who share our goal of preventing violence in our society. The organisations listed on this page have all endorsed the Ni3 project in Brazil.
If you would like your organisation to get involved in our work please contact us using this short form.

The Tech Coalition facilitates the global tech industry’s fight against online sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Founded in 2006, the Coalition is an alliance of technology companies of varying sizes and sectors that supports them in sharing critical advances in technology as well as best practices for keeping children safe online. We convene and align the global tech industry, pooling their knowledge and expertise, to help all our members better prevent, detect, report, and remove online child sexual abuse content. This coalition represents a powerful core of expertise that is moving the tech industry towards a digital world where children are free to play, learn, and explore without fear of harm.
Tech Coalition fully supports Ni3 Centre in their aim of preventing gender-based violence.

The Internet Watch Foundation is a technology-led, child protection organisation, representing a proactive global response to the growing problem of child sexual abuse material online.
We work to stop, remove, and prevent the availability of child sexual abuse images and videos hosted online anywhere in the world so that we can defend and protect children online.
Through our cutting-edge services and innovative solutions, we work alongside a global network of partners, including tech giants, law enforcement, governments, charities and other hotlines to create a safer internet for everyone. It’s because of this that, over our 25 years of service, our Hotline and Reporting Portals have been able to offer more than 2.5 billion people a safe place to report suspected illegal pictures and videos.
It’s our mission to remove child sexual abuse material for good and show every child that there is someone out there who cares enough to help and we’re proud to facilitate this.
The Internet Watch Foundation fully supports Ni3 Centre in their aim of preventing gender-based violence.

DeafKidz International works to respond to the safeguarding and protection needs of Deaf, hard of hearing, deafened and DeafBlind children and young people in low resource and complex settings. In particular, to ensure deaf children are able to live safely and without fear of stigma, discrimination and abuse in their communication mode of choice; sign language, sign supported spoken language, community ethnic sign, aural method and DeafBlind manual.
Through a range of programmatic and contractual interventions with partners such as Comic Relief, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children and the We Protect Global Alliance, we are working to foster attitudinal, systematic and procedural change, which reduces the risk and vulnerability of deaf children to physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect.
A deaf led organisation, DeafKidz International seeks to resource and empower deaf children to say ‘No!’ to abuse and in particular, to enable deaf girls and young women to reduce their risk to Gender Based Violence.
DeafKidz International fully supports Ni3 Centre in their aim of preventing gender-based violence.
Please note, views expressed by and organisational values of our supporters are not necessarily shared by None in Three.