The IDEA is a hub for impact, dissemination and engagement activities related to the None in Three Centre’s research. It’s at the heart of ensuring our work is grounded in, and makes a difference to, the real world.
Latest News
None in Three Centre publishes its survey report for Uganda
None in Three Centre publishes its Survey Report for Uganda
Added 31/08/22
None in Three Centre delivers its first events in Portuguese
None in Three Centre delivers its first online events in Portuguese
Added 17/08/22
None in Three Centre welcomes new Chair
None in Three welcomes new Chair, Mikael Barfod.
Added 16/08/22
Award ceremony celebrations for None in Three Centre members
Three members of the None in Three Centre team enjoyed their celebrations at the University of Huddersfield’s recent July award ceremonies.
Added 29/07/22
None In Three represented at Safe Online Network Forum in Brussels
None in Three represented at EVAC Safe Online Network Forum event in Brussels
Added 09/06/22
None in Three showcases its work to Tech Coalition
None in Three Centre Director, Professor Nadia Wager; Founder, Professor Adele Jones OBE and, Operations Manager, Vikki Hart showcased the Centre’s work to members of the Tech Coalition, as part of their research webinar series last month.
Added 24/05/22
None in Three UK game, ‘Danielle’, now available for free!
Our computer game ‘Danielle’ which is focused on the issues of intimate partner violence, and is based in the UK, is now available as a free download via our UK game page.
Added 22/04/22
None in Three represented at New Directions in Sex Offender Practice Conference
None in Three represented at New Directions in Sex Offender Practice conference
Added 11/04/22
None in Three Uganda game, 'Peace' now available for free!
None in Three Uganda game, ‘Peace’ now available for free!
Added 07/04/22
None in Three celebrates successful closing event
None in Three celebrates successful closing event
Added 28/03/22
Dr Morella Joseph, None in Three International Advisory Group member, honoured in St Lucia Independence Day 2022 National Awards.
Dr Morella Joseph honoured in St Lucia National Awards.
Added 17/03/22
Professor Paul Miller will be presenting his latest Ni3 paper at a forthcoming conference
Professor Paul Miller to speak at forthcoming conference
Added on 10/03/22
Ni3 India shares findings and recommendations for the role of gender bias leading to gender-based violence
Ni3 India shares findings in new report
Added on 14/2/22
Professor Adele Jones OBE reflects on None in Three's success
Professor Adele Jones OBE reflects with both humility and pride on the None in Three Centre’s success.
Added on 11/2/22
Latest Ni3 publication
Latest publication from None in Three UK research team looks at barriers to help seeking in relation to intimate partner violence among Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Immigrant women.
Added on 10/2/22
Dr Nadia Wager plays key role at online roundtable event
Dr Nadia Wager plays key role in online roundtable event to find solutions to violence against women and girls
Added on 22/12/21
Ni3 Centre members’ research cited in Commons Debate
Ni3 Acting Centre Director, Dr Nadia Wager, and Centre Member Professor Rachel Armitage have recently produced a research report for the Lucy Faithfull Foundation (soon to be published), examining the ripple effects of child sex abuse.
Added on 20/12/21
Ni3 UK game is piloted in UK schools
The Ni3 UK game tackling violence in young people’s intimate relationships has been played in schools across England.
Added on 7/12/21
Ni3 presents UK findings at Eurocrim 2021
Ni3 Research Assistant Sam Mason presents at Eurocrim 21
Added on 25/11/2021
Ni3 Uganda takes to the road to share findings
Ni3 Uganda researchers are visiting all districts where data has been collected, to share the findings and recommendations from their research.
Added on 8/11/2021
Ni3 Jamaica shares findings and recommendations for tackling child sexual abuse
Ni3 Jamaica research findings have been condensed into a policy brief, to help facilitate action to prevent child sexual abuse and support those affected.
Added on 15/10/2021
Ni3 Uganda shares findings and recommendations for tackling child marriage
Ni3 Uganda research findings have been condensed into a policy brief, to help facilitate action to prevent child marriage and support those affected.
Added on 15/10/2021
Ni3 India closing conference
Ni3 India hosted a fantastic online conference to mark the closure of their four-year journey on the Ni3 project at the end of September.
Added on 14/10/2021
None in Three Hold First Annual Conference
We recently held our first ever annual conference. This was a fantastic event, bringing together both academic and technical staff from across all four of our GCRF study countries, as well as welcoming colleagues from Ni3 Brazil to their first cross-centre event.
Added on 08/10/2021
None in Three Annual Conference 2021
We are holding our inaugural Annual Conference online on the week commencing 27th September. Click here to sign up for this event looking back at our successes over the last four years, and forward to the future of the Research Centre.
Added on 14/09/2021
Honorary Doctorate for Angela Nakafeero at January 2022 Award Ceremony
Congratulations from the None in Three Research Centre to Angela Nakafeero, who will receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Huddersfield at the institution’s January 2022 awards ceremony.
Added on 16/09/2021
Ni3 Centre Director to Speak on Restorative Justice & Campus Sexual Harm
On Wednesday 22nd September, our None in Three Research Centre Director, Dr Nadia Wager, will speak at a symposium on restorative justice and campus sexual harm, being hosted online by Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA).
Added on 14/09/2021
Ni3 Country Teams Publish Qualitative Research
We are delighted to announce the publication of qualitative research reports written in collaboration with our colleagues in India, Jamaica, Uganda and the UK.
Added on 13/09/2021
Uganda Team Celebrate Film Competition Success
Young members of the None in Three team in Uganda have been named among the top three winners from Uganda in the EAC-i-Deserve-Short Film Competition.
Added on 05/08/2021
Celebrating the Success of Play Talk Change
Since we hosted Play. Talk. Change. on the 24th and 25th June we have been gathering feedback from both our delegates and speakers.
Added on 02/08/2021
Young Members of the Ni3 Team Deliver Play. Talk. Change.
Recordings from Play. Talk. Change. are available now on the PTC website
Added on 06/07/2021
Ni3 Team Members speak at ISPCAN 2021
Members of the Ni3 team from India spoke recently at the ISPCAN International Congress, Milan 2021.
Added on 29/06/2021
Professor Adele Jones Edits New Book
The None in Three Research Centre Director, Professor Adele Jones, has recently edited a collection of essays on the theme of ‘Leaving a Violent Relationship’.
Added on 28/05/2021
Ni3 Jamaica Seeks UTech Students for Short Survey
Our researchers in Jamaica are investigating attitudes towards child sexual abuse. We are inviting all students at Utech aged 18 and over to complete a short online survey on this subject.
Added on 15/04/2021
Bookings Go Live for Play. Talk. Change.
We are delighted to announce that bookings are now open for Play. Talk. Change, our free, online, youth led conference, exploring the power of prosocial computer games to change the world.
Added on 8/04/2021
UK Policy Forum Marks International Women's Day
On Monday 8th March (International Women’s Day) our team in the UK hosted an online policy forum, disseminating findings from three-and-a-half years of research into women’s experience of Intimate Partner Violence in the UK.
Added on 12/03/2021
International Women's Day 2021
The None in Three Research Centre is proud to support this year’s International Women’s Day #choosetochallenge campaign, and to host a range of activities to mark this year’s IWD.
Added on 04/03/2021
Professor Adele Jones to Speak at Event for IWD2021
Professor Adele Jones, is due to speak at an online event organised by the University of Huddersfield’s School of Human & Health Sciences. This event, ‘Who Needs Feminism?’, features a panel of inspiring women in conversation with Professor Emerita Valerie Bryson, discussing her new book The Futures of Feminism.
Added on 01/03/2021
Welcome to Acting Centre Director Nadia Wager
The None in Three Research Centre is pleased to welcome Dr Nadia Wager to the post of Acting Centre Director.
Added on 13/01/21
Professor Adele Jones Awarded OBE
We were delighted to learn that Professor Adele Jones, the Director of the None in Three Research Centre, has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s New Year Honours List.
Added on 12/01/21
Elder Abuse Prevention Resources
We have recently updated the section on elder abuse on our Barbados & Grenada pages with a link to an excellent new resource which has been created by Dr Jessica Thomas from ‘Sixty and Me‘.
Added on 12/01/21
Winning Entries in Ni3 Poster Competition
We are delighted to share the winning entries in our poster design competition, organised by our colleagues at the School of Design & Innovation, India.
Added on 12/01/21
Professor Adele Jones Featured in Phenomenal Women Exhibition
Our Centre Director, Professor Adele Jones, has been recognised as one of the country’s most successful Black female academics at an outdoor exhibition at London’s Southbank Centre.
Added on 19/10/20
Ni3 Featured in Discover Magazine
We are delighted to see our Centre Director, Professor Adele Jones, and the ground-breaking research of the None in Three Research Centre featured prominently in Huddersfield University’s latest edition of Discover Magazine.
Added on 16/10/20
Ni3 secures prestigious UN End Violence funding to extend work to Brazil
We’re delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding from the United Nations’ prestigious End Violence Against Children Fund. The Centre is proud to be one of 14 projects worldwide to be awarded through the Fund’s latest Safe Online investment round of 10 million US Dollars.
Added on 14/10/20
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Conference presentations and keynotes given by members of the None in Three team
24 Mar, Ni3 UK Policy Forum: Keeping Young People Safe, Huddersfield (online).
16 Mar, Miller, P. ‘Education as a Social Vaccine against Gender-based Violence’. Race, Place and Justice Conference related to special issue of Genealogy, MDPI
22 December, Wager, N. Restorative Justice as a response to campus-based sexual violence. Warwick International Higher Educational Academy Symposium
7 November, Wager, N. Researching gender-based violence and maintaining researcher well-being. Webinar Presentation for the Violence Against Women and Girls Research Network.
27 Sep-1 Oct, Ni3 Annual Conference: Preventing Gender-based Violence. Huddersfield (online).
24 September, End of Project Virtual Conference, Ni3 India, Mumbai (online).
14 September, Barfod, M. ‘Gender-based violence in international perspective’, Academy A3A, Copenhagen, Denmark
13 September, Panicker, A., Banerjee, R. Gender Roles and Patriarchy Define Older Women’s Experiences Of Violence: A Qualitative Study. European Conference on Domestic Violence. Ljubljana (online).
13 September, Pawsey, G. Newspaper Representation of Domestic Violence Cases in India During Lockdown. European Conference on Domestic Violence. Ljubljana (online).
9 September, Mason, S & Sharratt, K. Typologies and psychological consequences of child abuse and neglect among adolescents from the UK. European Society of Criminology Annual Conference
29 June, Powell-Booth, K., Fray, C., Harvey, R., & Wager, N. Child Sexual Abuse in Jamaica. Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators Conference. Trinidad (online).
24 June, Play. Talk. Change., Ni3 global conference (online)
11 June, Debowska, A., Boduszek, D., Willmott, D., Jones, A., Fray, C., Powell-Booth, K., Harvey, R., & Nelson, K. The impact of child maltreatment on suicidality: Data from a large representative sample of Jamaican children and adolescents. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) International Congress. Milan, Italy (online).
11 June, Banerjee, R., Panicker, A. Envisioning and strategizing adolescent maltreatment data collection from secondary school students of Mumbai, India. International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) International Congress. Milan, Italy (online).
8 Mar, White Rose Policy Forum: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence, Ni3 UK, Huddersfield (online)
25 November, Jones, A. Child Sexual Abuse as Lifespan Trauma: Experiences of Caribbean Women, University of the West Indies webinar to mark the beginning of 2020 16 Days of Activism to prevent GBV
30-31 July, Gender Dimensions of Violence Prevention, The University of the West Indies, Jamaica, ‘Shifting the Burden: Promoting a Child-friendly, Collective approach to Child Sexual Abuse in Jamaica’, Kenisha Nelson, Karyl Powell-Booth, Roxanne Harvey, Christine Fray, Patrice Reid
16 February, ISPCAN International Conference, Qatar, ‘Adult Survivors of gender based Violence: Perspectives from Jamaica, Uganda, India and UK (Symposia)’, Gill Kirkman, Karyl Powell-Booth, Rukmini Banerjee & Esther Nanfuka
12 February, Public Lecture, University of Huddersfield, ‘Adolescent Dating Violence – a UK Epidemic’, Gill Kirkman & Helen Smailes
28 January, Patil, P., Banerjee, R., Panicker, A., ‘Understanding Bystander Intervention through Gender Bias’. Indian Association of Women’s Studies Annual Conference, New Delhi.
4 December, Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Education, ‘A Combined Model of Ecological Systems Theory and Social Learning Theory to Understand the Acquisition of Intimate Partner Violence’, Xiaomin Sheng
22 November, 5th National KRIMED Conference: Research Methods in Criminology and Forensic Medicine, ‘Diagnosis and Prevalence of Psychopathy Among Various Social Groups’, Dan Boduszek
22 November, African Studies Association: 62nd Annual Meeting (Being, Belonging and Becoming in Africa), Boston, Ma, ‘Convulated motherhood? How women cope with single motherhood in a post conflict context and how they construct and deconstruct social and strategic agency’, Eric Ochen
21 November, The Ministry of Health & Wellness 10th Annual National Health Research Conference, ‘Our Women are Hurting: Chronic Psycho-social Effects of Child Sexual Abuse among Jamaican Women’, Kenisha Nelson
8 November, ArtsIT 2019 – 8th International Conference, ‘Designing a Serious Game to Raise Awareness of Intimate Partner Violence Among Adolescents in the UK’, John Pearson & Hayley Rosyston
15 October, Jones, A., Ochen, E. ‘Presentation on None in Three’, GCRF goes Virtual
7 August, Timmins, S. ‘Connecting School Leaders’ Role To Teacher Leader’s Agency: Narratives From England, Jamaica And USA’, IEAL-J conference Educational Leadership for Social Justice: Policy, Practice and Community, Kingston, Jamaica
7 August, Miller, P. ‘The political dichotomy of school leadership: policy, practice, social justice – evidence from sixteen countries’, IEAL-J conference Educational Leadership for Social Justice: Policy, Practice and Community, Kingston, Jamaica
28 June, Jones, A., ‘Smart investments in strategies and partnerships to prevent and address violence against children’, UNICEF; ChildHub, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia, Bulgaria.
12 June, Boduszek, D., & Willmott, D., Dissecting the link between child abuse and psychopathy, public lecture at Ni3 India Summit, ISDI, Mumbai.
12 June, Ni3 India Summit – Serious About Games workshop, ISDI, Mumbai, Prof Song Wu, Helen Smailes & Hayley Royston
12 June, Ni3 India Summit – Impact of Violence on Children & role of Educators/Professionals to prevent it, ISDI, Mumbai, Angela Nakafeero (IAG), Prof Stephen Jacobson (IAG), Prof Paul Miller
11 June, Ni3 India Summit – one day conference – Innovative and International Approaches to Preventing GBV, ISDI, Mumbai
12 May, Ni3 India Workshop, Mumbai, ‘Disrobing the Queen – Depiction, Normalisation and Transmission of GBV in Indic Lore’, Urmi Chanda-Vaz
17 April, 9th Aggrey Brown Annual Lecture, University of West Indies, ‘The politics of health communication today’, Professor Ellen Campbell-Grizzle (IAG)
17 April, Utech Research, Technology and Innovation Day, University of Technology, Jamaica, ‘Presentation on Ni3 in the Speaker’s Forum: Woman Survivors’ Accounts of Childhood Exploitation in Jamaica’, Karyl Powell-Booth & Kenisha Nelson
12 April, Ni3 India Workshop, Mumbai, Identifying Gender Bias in Classrooms as a Route to Preventing GBV, Prarthana Patil
11 April, Graduate School of Education Symposium, University at Buffalo, New York. ‘Leadership for equity and diversity in schools’. Professor Paul Miller.
11 April, Graduate School of Education Symposium, University at Buffalo, New York. ‘The UK educational policy and practice on gender-based violence: seeking social justice’. Xiaomin Sheng.
10 April, Alberti Center for the Prevention of Bullying Abuse and School Violence, New York. ‘Education as a social vaccine in the fight against gender-based violence: the role of educational leaders’. Professor Paul Miller.
9 April, Experiential Learning Network, University at Buffalo, New York. ‘Developing computer games as educational tools to prevent violence against women and girls’. Professor Paul Miller, Xiaomin Sheng.
15 March, School of Education and Professional Development annual Undergraduate Conference: Play is for Everyone, University of Huddersfield, ‘Ni3: Developing prosocial games as educational tools to prevent gender-based violence’, Roz Cumming, Helen Smailes and Xiaomin Sheng
14 March, Research, Technology and Innovation Day, University of Technology, Jamaica. ‘Women survivors’ accounts of childhood exploitation in Jamaica’. Karyl Powell-Booth and Dr Kenisha Nelson.
12 March, BITC Regional Showcase, KPMG, Leeds. ‘Intimate partner violence in young relationships‘. Gill Kirkman.
9 March, International Women’s Day Conference, Greewood Centre, Dewsbury. Hosted by Aspiration & Achievement Group Dewsbury and Nyssa Empowerment Social Media Community. Gender equality: addressing cultural and ritual practices affecting women and girls in Britain and Kirklees. ‘Gender-based violence – a UK perspective. Designing educative and interactive interventions using the voice of the survivor’. Gill Kirkman.
8 March, IEAL-J conference, Jamaica, Educational Leadership for Social Justice: Policy, Practice and Community. ‘The political dichotomy of school leadership: policy, practice, social justice – evidence from sixteen countries’. Professor Paul Miller.
8 March, IEAL-J conference, Jamaica, Educational Leadership for Social Justice: Police, Practice and Community. ‘Child sexual exploitation and Jamaican children: use of technology to teach positive behaviour’. Karyl Powell-Booth, Dr Kenisha Nelson.
8 March, IEAL-J conference, Jamaica, Educational Leadership for Social Justice: Policy, Practice and Community. ‘Connecting school leaders’ role to teacher leader’s agency: narratives from England, Jamaica and USA’. Susan Timmins.
14 February, Willmott, D., ‘The role of rape myths in sexual violence perpetration, survivor disclosure and CJS attrition rates’. 2nd Preventing Sexual Harm conference, University of Huddersfield.
14 February, Kirkman, G., ‘The voice of the survivor: designing educative and interactive computer games to prevent GBV’ 2nd Preventing Sexual Harm conference, University of Huddersfield.
22 January, Barfod, M., ‘Filling the vacuum: who will save multilateralism?’, Public Lecture, University of Huddersfield.
3 December, 2nd ISPCAN Caribbean Conference, Child Protection Realities in a Changing Caribbean and World, Montego Bay, Jamaica. ‘Towards a deeper understanding of intimate partner violence in the Caribbean – mixed methods study of male perspectives and boys’ victimisation’. Dr Debra Joseph.
26 November, Mini SDG Summit (Sustainable Development Goals), University of Huddersfield. ‘Gender-based violence’. Professor Adele Jones.
8-10 November, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Washington, DC, USA. ‘Culturally intelligent community based practice – an integrated systems approach for working with juvenile sex offenders: research and perspectives from the Caribbean’. Professor Adele Jones.
16 October, Jacobson, S. ‘Social Justice leadership for academic, organisational and community sustainability in high need schools: research evidence from three nations’. Ni3 public lecture, University of Huddersfield.
14-16 August, Child Protection Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad. ‘Restorative justice for juvenile sex offenders’. Professor Adele Jones.
4-7 July, Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018, Dublin. ‘Men’s perspectives of domestic violence in two island jewels of the Caribbean: Barbados and Grenada’. Professor Adele Jones and Dr Debra D Joseph.
24-27 May, Association for Psychological Science (APS) conference, San Francisco, USA. ‘The role of psychopathic personality traits in juror decision making: a latent profile analysis’. Professor Dan Boduszek, Dr Agata Debowska, and Dr Dominic Willmott.
24-27 May, Association for Psychological Science (APS) conference, San Francisco, USA. ‘Is female psychopathy linked with child abuse?’ Dr Dominic Willmott, Professor Dan Boduszek, and Dr Agata Debowska.
24-27 May, Debowska, A. ‘The effect of a prosocial video game on young people’s responsiveness towards victims of domestic violence’. Association for Psychological Science (APS) conference San Francisco, USA.
2 May, De Lisi, M. ‘Psychopathy as a unified theory of crime’ Ni3 public lecture, University of Huddersfield.
March 2018, Jones, A., Keynote: ‘Impact of Domestic Violence on Children – No Mas, No More’. Conference on Domestic Violence, Aruba, Dutch Caribbean Islands.
March 2018, Jones, A., ‘Child abuse in the Caribbean’. Spring Law School, Curacao.
The closing event for Ni3 UK doubled as a second policy forum event for the team, on ‘Keeping Young People Safe’. The event brought together professionals and policy makers to explore Ni3 findings, showcase our game and curricular outputs and reflect on approaches to improving safeguarding of young people, and helping them to prevent intimate partner violence in their relationships.
March 2022
None in Three’s inaugural Centre conference was held to celebrate the end of the global project funded through the UK Government’s Global Challenges Research Fund. This virtual event brought together participants from across the four study countries and beyond to reflect on the progress, challenges and outputs from this four-year project, as well as looking to the future of Ni3.
September 2021
The Ni3 India team held a virtual conference to mark the closure of their participation in the Ni3 global project. Project colleagues presented alongside stakeholders from NGOs, schools and others involved in making the research – into gender bias and gender-based violence in India – a reality.
September 2021
None in Three’s mid-project summit for its GCRF work took place in Mumbai, India during 2019. This symposium on Preventing Violence Against Children was part of a week of workshops, conferences and public engagement events to share the work of Ni3, and promote the need for further research and action to prevent gender-based violence.
June 2019
None in Three’s mid-project summit for its GCRF work took place in Mumbai, India during 2019. This public lecture on ‘Dissecting the link between child abuse and psychopathy was part of a week of workshops, conferences and public engagement events to share the work of Ni3, and promote the need for further research and action to prevent gender-based violence.
June 2019
None in Three’s mid-project summit for its GCRF work took place in Mumbai, India during 2019. This workshop on serious game development was part of a week of workshops, conferences and public engagement events to share the work of Ni3, and promote the need for further research and action to prevent gender-based violence.
June 2019
More Resources
The following resources are produced by third party organisations. We cite some of these elsewhere on our website. They provide valuable additional information for anyone with an interest in gender-based violence prevention.
The Global Gender Gap Report 2018, World Economic Forum
Gender-based Violence Briefing, The World Bank
Human Development Data (1990-2017), United Nations Development Programme
The IDEA hub
- develops and implements communication and visibility activities – using the arts, film, print, TV, radio and social media – to promote and inform the Centre’s work
- captures the impact of our reach
- provides a forum through which the public can engage with our researchers across the world
- shares information about our research and interventions for preventing gender-based violence
Latest Publications from None in Three
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