The IDEA is a hub for impact, dissemination and engagement activities related to the None in Three Centre’s research. It’s at the heart of ensuring our work is grounded in, and makes a difference to, the real world.
In this section, you’ll find details of academic publications and reports generated by our members.
Representations of Child Sexual Abuse in Jamaica: A Corpus-Assisted Discourse Study of Popular News Media
Seccombe, T., Nelson, K., Fray, C., Powell-Booth, K., Harvey, R., Jones, A., Wager, N. & Sheng, X. (2022). MDPI,978-3-0365-2466-5
Understanding Violence Against Women in the Caribbean Through an Exploration of Men’s Perspectives
Joseph, D. D. and Jones, A. D. (2022).
Getting past the gatekeeper: Cultural competence, field access and researching gender-based violence – evidence from four countries
Miller, P., Kirkman, G., Timmins, S., Banerjee, R., Panicker, A., Nelson, K., Jones & A., Ochen, E. (2022). Power and Education, 17577438221092274
Childhood Abuse and Neglect, Exposure to Domestic Violence and Sibling Violence: Profiles and Associations With Sociodemographic Variables and Mental Health Indicators
Sharratt, K., Mason, S., Kirkman, G., Willmott,D., McDermott, D., Timmins, S. & Wager, N. (2022). Trauma, violence & abuse, 08862605221090562.
Curriculum to Support the Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence in the UK
Chopra, P. & Miller, P. (2022), ISBN 978-1-86218-209-7, University of Huddersfield
Intimate Partner Violence and Barriers to Help-Seeking Among Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Immigrant Women: A Qualitative Metasynthesis of Global Research
Hulley, J., Bailey, L., Kirkman, G., Gibbs, G. R., Gomersall, T., Latif, A., & Jones, A. (2022). Trauma, violence & abuse, 15248380211050590. Advance online publication.
Profiles of abuse and neglect and the association with mental health indicators among a large sample of boys and girls from India
Sharratt, K., Panicker, A., Banerjee, R., Mason, S.J., Jones, A., Varma, B., Prarthana, P., & Wager, N. (2021). Child Abuse and Neglect.
None in Three Policy Brief - India
Patil, P; Varma, B; Banerjee, R; Panicker, A; Jones, A; Wager, N; Cumming, R (2021), The Role of Gender Bias in Gender-based Violence, University of Huddersfield
None in Three Policy Brief - Jamaica
Fray, C; Powell-Booth, K; Nelson, K; Harvey, R; Jones, A; Wager, N; Cumming, R (2021), University of Huddersfield
None in Three Policy Brief - Uganda
Ochen, A; Nanfuka, E; Turyomurugyendo, F; Jones, A; Wager, N; Cumming, R (2021), University of Huddersfield
Curriculum to Support the Prevention of Child Marriage and Gender-based Violence in Uganda
Chopra, P. & Miller, P. (2021), ISBN 978-1-86218-197-7, University of Huddersfield
Young Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence in the UK and Voices of Men who Perpetrate it
Kirkman, G; Hulley, J; Bailey, L; Latif, A; Jones, A; Gibbs, G; Gomersall, G (2021), ISBN 978-1-86218-199-1, University of Huddersfield
Child Sexual Abuse as Lifespan Trauma Within the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: Experiences of Caribbean Women
Jones, A (2021), ISSN 2297-7775, Frontiers in Sociology
Issues, Beliefs And Experience Of Child Marriage And Gender-Based Violence In Uganda
Nanfuka, E; Turyomurugyendo, F; Ochen, E; Jones, A; Gibbs, G; Gomersall, G (2021), ISBN 978-1-86218-198-4, University of Huddersfield
“It Affects You For a Lifetime”! Perspectives on Child Sexual Abuse in Jamaica
Powell-Booth, K; Nelson, K; Harvey, R; Fray, C; Jones, A; Gibbs, G; Gomersall, G (2021), ISBN 978-1-86218-196-0, University of Huddersfield
The Role of Gender Bias in Gender-based violence
Banerjee, R; Panicker, A; Varma, B; Patil, P; Jones, A; Gibbs, G; Gomersall, G (2021), ISBN 978-1-86218-194-6, University of Huddersfield
State Compensation as Rape Justice: Are public attitudes a legitimate foundation for reform of the UK’s Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme?
Smith, O. Daly, E. Herriott, C. & Willmott, D. (Accepted – In Press). Journal of Gender-Based Violence (ISSN 2398-6808)
Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation
Debowska, A., Boduszek, D., Jones, A., Willmott, D., & Sherretts, N. (2021). Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(3-4), 1233-1255. DOI:10.1177/0886260517741628 (ISSN 0886-2605)
Leaving a Violent Relationship
Jones, A (Ed) (2021), ISBN 978-3-0365-0422-3 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-0365-0423-0 (PDF)
Data driven review of commonalities and differences in gender and self-reported victimisation in Ugandan urban sample and Western published literature
Karugahe, W; Jones, A (2021), Aggression and Violent Behavior
Prevalence and correlates of non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt among children and adolescents: Findings from Uganda and Jamaica
Boduszek, D., Debowska, A., Ochen, E., Fray, C., Nanfuka Kalule, E., Powell-Booth, K., Turyomurugyendo, F., Nelson, K., Harvey, R., Willmott, D., & Mason, S. J. (2021). Journal of Affective Disorders (ISSN 0165-0327)
Executive Summaries of Ni3 Qualitative Work
Rukmini Banerjee, Anne Panicker, Bhanu Varma, Prarthana Patil, Karyl Powell Booth, Kenisha Nelson, Roxanne Harvey, Christine Fray, Esther Kalule Nanfuka, Florence Turyomurugyendo, Eric Awich Ochen, Gill Kirkman, Joanne Hulley, Louis Bailey, Amrana Latif, Adele Jones, Graham R Gibbs, Tim Gomersall, None in Three Research Centre, University of Huddersfield, UK
Leaving a Violent Child Marriage: Experiences of Adult Survivors in Uganda
Nanfuka, E.; Turyomurugyendo, F.; Ochen, E.; Gibbs, G., Social Sciences (2020), 9, 172
Designing a Serious Game to Raise Awareness of Intimate Partner Violence Among Adolescents in the UK: The Use of ‘Good Games’ Principles for Effective Behavioural Change
Prosocial video game as an intimate partner violence prevention tool among youth: A randomised controlled trial
Is female psychopathy linked with child abuse? An empirical investigation using a person-centered approach
Profiles and behavioral consequences of child abuse among adolescent girls and boys from Barbados and Grenada
What do we know about child abuse and neglect patterns of co-occurrence? A systematic review of profiling studies and recommendations for future research
Victimisation, violence perpetration, and attitudes towards violence among boys and girls from Barbados and Grenada