None in Three (Ni3) is pleased to welcome Professor Matt DeLisi, Coordinator of Criminal Justice Studies from Iowa State University, USA to deliver a public lecture entitled, ‘Psychopathy as a Unified Theory of Crime.’
Professor DeLisi is one of the most prolific and highly-cited Criminologists in the world with over 370 scholarly publications mostly in the areas of pathological criminality, psychopathy, self-control, offender/intimate behavior and the genetics of antisocial behavior.
The public lecture is suited for both staff and post graduate researchers interested in learning about psychopathy as a unified theory of crime.
Professor DeLisi will be speaking about his theory of advancing psychopathy as a unified theory of crime, where he will be covering how the basic elements of antisocial behavior of crime are effectively isomorphic to the elemental characteristics of psychopathy.
Persons who wish to attend this public lecture should reserve their seating by emailing
None in Three draws its name from the global statistic that one in three women and girls are subjected to sexual and physical violence in their lifetime. Ni3 is dedicated to changing this reality. We are thrilled to invite Professor Matt DeLisi to share his empirical knowledge on May 2nd, 2018 from 7-8pm at Charles Skyes Building, first floor, room 1 (CSB1/01), Diamond Jubilee Lecture Theatre, University of Huddersfield, UK.