Adele Jones is Professor of Social Work at the University of Huddersfield. Previously with the University of the West Indies, Adele specialises in international children’s rights and the prevention of violence against women and children. She is the author of numerous publications on topics as varied as child abuse, adoption, residential care, migration, child refugees, gender inequality, and HIV-AIDS, and has directed research in over 16 countries. Adele has initiated/managed over 26 externally-funded research projects including: the Sondai Project on HIV-AIDS in Trinidad and Tobago; the COPING Project (, an EU pan-European study of the impact on children of parental imprisonment; a UNICEF commissioned study of child sexual abuse in six Eastern Caribbean countries; and also contributed to a UNICEF commissioned study into violence against children in Tanzania. She is the creator and Director of the EU-funded (€400,000) None in Three Project in Barbados and Grenada which laid the foundations for the establishment of a global Ni3 Research Centre.
Professor Adele Jones
Co-Director/Principal Investigator

- 2014 to present : Professor of Social Work
- 2007 to 2014: Professor of Applied Childhood Studies and Director of the Centre for Applied Childhood Studies
- 2001 to 2007: The University of The West Indies (various roles – Lecturer in Social Work, Coordinator of Postgraduate SW Studies, Acting Head of Department
- 2005-2006: Head of Department of Health and Social Care, Royal Holloway College, The University of London
- 1995-2001: Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Manchester Metropolitan University
- 1989-1995: Social Work Consultant, National Institute for Social Work (later became SCIE – Social Care Institute for Excellence)
- 1979-1989: Professional Social Worker, Salford and Manchester Social Services Departments
Debowska, A., Boduszek, D., Jones, A., Willmott, D. and Sherretts, N. (2017) ‘Gender-based violence-supportive cognitions in adolescent girls and boys: The function of violence exposure and victimisation’ Journal of Interpersonal Violence . ISSN 0886-2605
Smith, D., Ma, E., Jones, A. and Unver, E. (2017) ‘None in Three: The Design and Development of a Low-cost Violence Prevention Game for the Caribbean Region’. In: Serious Games: Third Joint International Conference (JCSG 2017), 23-24 November 2017, Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain , pp. 259-270
Boduszek, D., Debowska, A., Jemmott, E., Da Breo, H., Willmott, D., Sherretts, N. and Jones, A. (2017) Victimisation, violence perpetration, and attitudes towards violence among boys and girls from Barbados and Grenada Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield
Debowska, A., Willmott, D., Boduszek, D. and Jones, A. (2017) ‘What do we know about child abuse and neglect patterns of co-occurrence? A systematic review of profiling studies and recommendations for future research’ Child Abuse & Neglect , 70, pp. 100-111. ISSN 0145-2134
Debowska, A., Boduszek, D. and Jones, A. (2017) ‘Profiles and behavioural consequences of violence victimisation among male and female adolescents from the Caribbean’. In: The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, 19-21 June 2017, Stockholm
Sharratt, K., Boduszek, D., Gallagher, B. and Jones, A. (2017) ‘Factor structure and factorial invariance of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire among children of prisoners and their parents’ Child Indicators Research . ISSN 1874-897X
Jones, A., Jemmott, E., Da Breo, H., Buckmire, T., Tannis, D., Rose, L., Best, F., Joseph, D. and Moller, C. (2017) Twenty-one lessons: preventing domestic violence in the Caribbean University of Huddersfield
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2016) ‘Status, privilege and gender inequality: Cultures of male impunity and entitlement in the sexual abuse of children– perspectives from a Caribbean study’ International Social Work , 59 (6), pp. 836-849. ISSN 0020-8728
Gallagher, B., Berman, A., Bieganski, J., Jones, A., Foca, L., Raikes, B., Schiratzki, J., Urban, M. and Ullman, S. (2015) ‘National Human Research Ethics: A Preliminary Comparative Case Study of Germany, Great Britain, Romania, and Sweden’ Ethics & Behavior . ISSN 1050-8422
Watt, D. and Jones, A. (2015) Catching Hell and Doing Well: Black women in the UK – the Abasindi Cooperative . London: IOE Press. ISBN 9781858566719
Jones, A. and Hirschfield, A. (2015) ‘Child- Sensitive Justice for Children of Imprisoned Parents’. In: Child-friendly Justice: A Quarter of a Century of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. . ISBN 9789004297425
Jones, A., Trotman Jemmott, E., Maharaj, P. and Da Breo, H. (2014) An Integrated Systems Model for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse . : Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137377654
Sharratt, K., Boduszek, D., Jones, A. and Gallagher, B. (2014) ‘Construct validity, dimensionality and factorial invariance of the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale: A bifactor modelling approach among children of prisoners’ Current Issues in Personality Psychology , 2 (4), pp. 228-236. ISSN 2353-4192
Sharratt, K., Foca, L., Gavriluta, C., Jones, A. and Asiminei, R. (2014) ‘Dimensionality and Construct Validity of the Romanian Self-Report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)’ Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology , 16 (2), pp. 33-39. ISSN 1454-8062
Manby, M., Jones, A., Foca, L., Bieganski, J. and Starke, S. (2014) ‘Children of prisoners: exploring the impact of families’ reappraisal of the role and status of the imprisoned parent on children’s coping strategies’ European Journal of Social Work . ISSN 1369-1457
Jones, A (2014) Understanding Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean [Video]
Jones, A., Gallagher, B., Manby, M., Robertson, O., Sch�tzwohl, M., Berman, A., Hirschfield, A., Ayre, L., Urban, M., Sharratt, K. and Christmann, K. (2013) Children of Prisoners: Interventions and mitigations to strengthen mental health . Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield. ISBN 9781862181168
Pasura, D., Jones, A., Hafner, J., Maharaj, P., Nathaniel-DeCaires, K. and Johnson, E. (2013) ‘Competing meanings of childhood and the social construction of child sexual abuse in the Caribbean’ Childhood: A journal of global child research , 20 (2), pp. 200-214. ISSN 0907-5682
Jones, A (2013) ‘A Culturally-contexted Study of Perceptions, Attitudes and Opinions on Child Sexual Abuse’. In: Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean. : Palgrave Macmillan. . ISBN 9781137020048
Jones, A (2013) ‘‘Pimping Your Child’: Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Transactional Child Sexual Abuse’. In: Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean. : Palgrave Macmillan. . ISBN 9781137020048
Jones, A (2013) Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean . : Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137020048
Pasura, D., Jones, A. and Da Breo, H. (2013) ‘IMPACT: Interventions and Mitigations to Prevent the Abuse of Children – it’s Time. A Public Health Oriented Systems Model for Change’. In: Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean. : Palgrave Macmillan. . ISBN 9781137020048
Jones, A (2013) ‘Deconstructing Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse’. In: Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean. : Palgrave Macmillan. . ISBN 9781137020048
Jones, A (2013) ‘Gender inequality and Patricentricity: unlocking synergies in the construction of child sexual abuse in the Caribbean’ Gender and Society . ISSN 0891-2432
Smith, K. and Jones, A. (2013) ‘Gender Sensitivity, Human Rights and the Effects of Detention on Women Seeking Asylum in the United Kingdom’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies . ISSN 1369-183X
Jones, A (2013) ‘Reducing risks for child sexual abuse: unlocking synergies of childhood conceptualisations, patriarchy and gender inequality’ Journal of Sex Research . ISSN 0022-4499
Trotman Jemmott, E., Jones, A., Maharaj, P. and Da Breo, H. (2013) ‘Teenage pregnancy and child sexual exploitation in the Caribbean: A qualitative study’ BMC Women’s Health . ISSN 1472-6874
Sogren, M. and Jones, A. (2013) ‘Towards Modernising Residential Care in the Caribbean: Lessons from Trinidad and Tobago’ Caribbean Journal of Social Work , 11, pp. 91-114. ISSN 0799-1215
Jones, A (2012) ‘Overview of COPING project findings’. In: COPING final conference, 6th November 2012, Brussels, Belgium
Robertson, O., Sharratt, K., Pascaru, G., Bieganski, J., Kearney, H., Sommerland, N., Jones, A., Raikes, B., Urban, M. and Cheung, R. (2012) ‘Stakeholder Perspectives on the Needs of Children of Prisoners in Europe’ Scientific Annals of the Ioan Cuza University Iasi: Social Work Series , 5 (2), pp. 98-114. ISSN 2065-3131
Sogren, M., Jones, A., Nathaniel, K. and Cameron-Padmore, J. (2012) ‘Reconfiguring Social Work Education to Fight HIV–AIDS: A Model for Developmental Contexts’ Social Work Education , 31 (7), pp. 880-895. ISSN 0261-5479
Jones, A (2012) ‘Editorial: Experiences of Invisible, Marginalised or Socially Excluded Childhood; Implications for National and International Agendas’ Scientific Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. New Series. Sociology and Social Work Section , 2 (5), pp. 5-18. ISSN 2066-8961
Smith, K. and Jones, A. (2012) ‘Experiences of Asylum Seeking Women and Their Children in United Kingdom Detention Facilities: A Matter for Rights Enforcement’Scientific Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. New Series. Sociology and Social Work Section , 2 (5), pp. 138-153. ISSN 2066-8961
Ochen, E., Jones, A. and McAuley, J. (2012) ‘Formerly Abducted Child Mothers in Northern Uganda: A Critique of Modern Structures for Child Protection and Reintegration’Journal of Community Practice , 20 (1-2), pp. 89-111. ISSN 1070-5422
Manby, M. and Jones, A. (2011) COPING: Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Perspectives of Children, Parents and Carers – Survey Analysis Results University of Huddersfield
Gallagher, B. and Jones, A. (2011) COPING: Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Perspectives of Children, Parents and Carers – Ethical Procedures Report University of Huddersfield
Manby, M. and Jones, A. (2011) COPING: Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Perspectives of Children, Parents and Carers – UK Report University of Huddersfield
Ullman, S., Manby, M. and Jones, A. (2011) COPING: Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Perspectives of Children, Parents and Carers – Sweden Report University of Huddersfield
Foca, L., Manby, M. and Jones, A. (2011) COPING: Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Perspectives of Children, Parents and Carers – Romania Report University of Huddersfield
Bieganski, J., Manby, M. and Jones, A. (2011) COPING: Children of Prisoners, Interventions and Mitigations to Strengthen Mental Health. Perspectives of Children, Parents and Carers – German Report University of Huddersfield
Jones, A (2010) ‘Deconstructing Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse’. In: Research on Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean webcast for Stop It Now!, 3rd August 2010,
Jones, A (2010) ‘Patriarchy, gender inequality and culture: colliding dynamics in the construction of child sexual abuse in the Caribbean’. In: Research on Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean webcast for Stop It Now!, 3rd August 2010,
Jones, A (2010) ‘Culturally Contexted Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: An Overview of Research Findings’. In: Research on Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean webcast for Stop It Now!, 3rd August 2010,
Jones, A (2010) ‘The Transactional Sexual Abuse of Children in the Caribbean’. In: 35th Caribbean Studies Association Annual Conference 2010, 24th – 28th May 2010, Barbados
Jones, A (2009) ‘Social Marginalization and Children’s Rights: HIV-affected Children in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago’ Health and Social Work , 34 (4), pp. 293-300. ISSN 0360-7283
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2009) Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: The report of a study carried out across the Eastern Caribbean during the period October 2008 to June 2009 Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield and Action for Children
Jones, A (2009) ‘Perceptions, attitudes, opinions: Child sexual abuse, a study across six Caribbean countries’. In: 1st Joint Congress of ASASWEI and NASW, National Social Workers Congress, October 2009, South Africa
Jones, A., Bifulco, A. and Gabe, J. (2009) ‘Caribbean nurses migrating to the UK: a gender-focused literature review’ International Nursing Review , 56 (3), pp. 285-290. ISSN 0020-8132
Jones, A., Bifulco, A. and Gabe, J. (2009) ‘The Case of Caribbean Nurses Migrating to the UK: a gendered approach’ International Nursing Review , 56 (3), pp. 285-290. ISSN 0020-8132
Jones, A (2009) ‘A framework for research skills training, support and e-supervision for international PhD students’. In: UKCISA Annual Conference 2009, 1st – 3rd July 2009, Warwick, UK
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2009) Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: Issues for Grenada. The report of a study carried out across the Eastern Caribbean during the period October 2008 to June 2009 University of Huddersfield, Action for Children and UNICEF
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2009) Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: Issues for Dominica. The report of a study carried out across the Eastern Caribbean during the period October 2008 to June 2009 University of Huddersfield, Action for Children and UNICEF
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2009) Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: Issues for St. Kitts and Nevis. The report of a study carried out across the Eastern Caribbean during the period October 2008 to June 2009 University of Huddersfield, Action for Children and UNICEF
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2009) Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: Issues for Montserrat. The report of a study carried out across the Eastern Caribbean during the period October 2008 to June 2009 University of Huddersfield, Action for Children and UNICEF
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2009) Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: Issues for Anguilla. The report of a study carried out across the Eastern Caribbean during the period October 2008 to June 2009. University of Huddersfield, Action for Children and UNICEF
Jones, A. and Trotman Jemmott, E. (2009) Child Sexual Abuse in the Eastern Caribbean: Issues for Barbados. The report of a study carried out across the Eastern Caribbean during the period October 2008 to June 2009 University of Huddersfield, Action for Children and UNICEF
Jones, A (2009) ‘Positive Women’. In: HIV-AIDS and Social Work Practice in the Caribbean. Miami, Florida, USA: Ian Randle Publishers. pp. 157-184. ISBN 978976637566
Jones, A., Padmore, J. and Maharaj, P. (2009) HIV-AIDS and Social Work Practice in the Caribbean . Miami, Florida, USA: Ian Randle Publishers. ISBN 9789766373566
Jones, A. and Maharaj, P. (2009) ‘Disability, Sexuality and HIV’. In: HIV-AIDS and Social Work Practice in the Caribbean. Miami, Florida, USA: Ian Randle Publishers. pp. 139-154. ISBN 978976637566
Jones, A (2009) ‘Social Work and Social Transformation: A Theoretical Model for AIDS Intervention’. In: HIV-AIDS and Social Work Practice in the Caribbean. Miami, Florida, USA: Ian Randle Publishers. pp. 19-38. ISBN 978976637566
Jones, A., Trotman Jemmott, E. and Kimmage, T. (2008) The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents: Issues for the Caribbean UNICEF (Unpublished)
Jones, A (2008) ‘Child-Centred Methodology: A Means to Understanding Psychosocial Neglect and Harm in Cases of Migration: A Caribbean Context’. In: XVIIth ISPCAN International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, 7th – 10th September 2008, Hong Kong, China
Jones, A (2008) ‘Towards Social Transformation, Let’s talk about CSA: The Silence is Deafening’. In: Forum to promote child friendly budgeting in the British overseas territories, 4th September 2008, Bridgetown, Barbados
Jones, A (2008) ‘A Silent but Mighty River: The Costs of Women’s Economic Migration’ Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society , 33 (4), pp. 761-769. ISSN 0097-9740
Jones, A (2008) ‘Pickney Power and Politicised Childhoods’. In: Inaugural Professorial Lecture, 4th March 2008, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
Jones, A (2007) ‘Restorative Justice in Caribbean Contexts’. In: Moving the Agenda for Children Forward in the Eastern Caribbean – UNICEF End of Cycle Review, 5th – 6th December 2007, Barbados, Eastern Caribbean
Jones, A (2007) ‘Child-Centred Methodology: Children’s Experiences of Separation through Migration: the Case of Trinidad and Tobago’. In: Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators (ACSWE) 8th Biennial Caribbean and International Social Work Educators Conference, 26th – 30th June 2007, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies , pp. 14-15
Jones, A (2007) ‘Intersectionality, Children’s Rights and HIV: The Case of Street Children in Trinidad and Tobago’. In: Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators (ACSWE) 8th Biennial Caribbean and International Social Work Educators Conference, 26th – 30th June 2007, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies , pp. 59-60
Jones, A (2007) ‘Social Marginalisation and Children’s Rights’. In: Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators (ACSWE) 8th Biennial Caribbean and International Social Work Educators Conference, 26th – 30th June 2007, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies
Jones, A (2007) ‘Child-centred methodology: a means to understanding children’s experiences of family separation through migration: the case of Trinidad and Tobago’. In: Focus on Children in Migration from a European Research and Method Perspective: a European Conference, 20th – 21st March 2007, Warsaw, Poland , pp. 12-14
Jones, A (2006) ‘Migration, International Children’s Rights, Child Abuse and Parenting’. In: Happy Families? FPI Conference 2006, 13th – 14th November 2006, London
Jones, A., Bifulco, A. and Gabe, J. (2006) ‘The Interrelationship of Work, Migration, Family Life and Health: The Case of Caribbean Women Healthcare Workers Migrating to the UK’. In: XVI ISA World Congress of Sociology, 23rd to 29th July 2006, Durban, South Africa
Jones, A (2006) ‘Social and Economic Development: Declaration of Mar del Plata and Plan of Action’. In: Roundtable and Special Session of the CISC: “Good Governance and Development in the Knowledge-Based Society”, 2nd – 3rd May 2006, Washington D.C.
Jones, A. and Waul, D. (2005) ‘Residential care for black children’. In: Facing forward: residential child care in the 21st century. Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing. . ISBN 9781903855751
Jones, A., Sharpe, J. and Sogren, M. (2004) ‘Children’s Experiences of Separation from Parents as a Consequence of Migration’ Caribbean Journal of Social Work , 3 (1), pp. 89-109. ISSN 0799-1215
Jones, A (2004) ‘Involving children and young people as researchers’. In: Doing Research with Children and Young People. : Sage in association with The Open University. pp. 113-130. ISBN 9780761943808
Jones, A., Sharpe, J. and Sogren, M. (2003) ‘Poverty and parental migration in Trinidad: Psychosocial effects on children’. In: Poverty Food and Health in Welfare International Conference 2007, 1st – 4th July 2003, Lisbon, Portugal , p. 43
Jones, A (2003) ‘Children of Migration: A Study of the Psycho-Social Status of Children in Trinidad Whose Parents Have Migrated’. In: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Research Conference 2003, 16th – 17th May 2003, The Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Leicester
Jones, A (2003) ‘Mandated Reporting of Incest – a Children’s Rights Perspective’. In: ECLAC-CDCC/CIDA Regional Conference on Gender-Based Violence and the Administration of Justice, 3rd – 5th February 2003, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago , pp. 7-10
Jones, A., Sharpe, J. and Sogren, M. (2003) Children of Migration: A Study of the Care Arrangements and Psycho-social Status of Children of Parents who have MigratedUniversity of the West Indies
Jones, A (2002) ‘The fiction of permanence’. In: Adoption: changing families, changing times. : Routledge. pp. 172-178. ISBN 9780415256858
Jones, A (2002) ‘Letter to a social worker: reflections on mothering’. In: Adoption: changing families, changing times. : Routledge. pp. 91-98. ISBN 9780415256858
Jones, A., Jeyasingham, D. and Rajasooriya, S. (2002) Invisible families: The strengths and needs of black families in which young people have caring responsibilities York: The Policy Press and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Jones, A (2001) ‘Family life and the pursuit of immigration controls’. In: From immigration controls to welfare controls. : Routledge. pp. 83-105. ISBN 9780415250832
Jones, A (2001) ‘Child asylum seekers and refugees: rights and responsibilities’ Journal of Social Work , 1 (3), pp. 253-271. ISSN 1468-0173
Jones, A (2000) ‘Exploring young people’s experience of immigration controls: the search for an appropriate methodology’. In: Research in Social Care and Social Welfare. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. pp. 31-47. ISBN 9781853029004
Jones, A (1998) The child welfare implications of UK immigration and asylum policy . Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University, Department of Applied Community Studies. ISBN 9781900634090
Jones, A (1997) ‘The Application of Black Feminist Perspectives in Social Work Research: A Case Study’. In: Reclaiming Science: Social Work Theory and Social Work Research in the Making. : Fachverlag HFS Zentralschweiz. . ISBN 9783906413044
Jones, A (1996) ‘The relationship between domestic violence, immigration and child protection’. In: Violence, Abuse and Women’s Citizenship Conference, 10th – 15th November 1996, Brighton, UK
Jones, A (1995) ‘Women and immigration’. In: Africa in the World: the 1945 Pan-African Congress and its Aftermath, 13th – 15th October 1995, Manchester Town hall, Manchester, UK
Jones, A. and Butt, J. (1995) Taking the initiative: the report of a national study assessing service provision to black children and families . : National Society for the Prevention of Child Cruelty (NSPCC). ISBN 0902498576
Jones, A (1994) ‘Anti-racist child protection’. In: Protecting Children from Abuse: Multi-professionalism and the Children Act, 1989. : Trentham Books. . ISBN 9781858560007
Jones, A (1993) ‘UK Anti-racist child protection’ Race and Class , 35 (2), pp. 75-85. ISSN 0306-3968
Jones, A., Phillips, M. and Maynard, C. (1992) A home from home: the experience of black residential projects as a focus of good practice . London: National Institute for Social Work. ISBN 0902789783
Marks of Esteem since 2000
1. February 2000, ‘Black Children and Resilience: Nature and Nurture’, BAAF (British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering), London, UK.
2. March 2000, ‘Overcoming the Obstacles: Quality Services for Black and Minority Ethnic Children’, Family Rights Group, UK
3. February 2003, Mandated Reporting of Incest – A Children’s Rights Perspective, ‘Regional Conference on Gender Based Violence, ECLAC, CIDA and CGEP
4. March 2003, Trinidad. International Children’s Rights, ‘Practice Innovations: Creative Linkages with Policy, Practice and Research’
Social Work Conference, The University of The West Indies
5. July 2003, Manchester UK. Learning from Research: Messages on Race and Disability. Race Equality Unit, London
6. December 2003, London, UK. School for Oriental and African Studies. ‘Learning from international research on child/family separation – a response to the Victoria Climbie Inquiry. Race Equality Unit with NCH
7. March 2006, Washington, US. Organisation of American States Roundtable of Civil Society Organisations: ‘Good Governance and Development in the Knowledge-Based Society’. Paper presented on behalf of the Principal of UWI on the topic of ‘Social and Economic Development and The Declaration of Mar del Plata’
8. November 2006. London, UK. Invited Keynote Speaker at a national conference being organized by The National Family & Parenting Institute of the UK. ‘Happy Families? A Major International Conference Promoting the Emotional Well-being of Parents, Families and Children’
9. December 2007. Barbados. UNICEF End of Programming Conference. ‘Towards a Caribbean Model of Restorative Justice’;
10. March 2007. Inaugural Professorial Lecture. The University of Huddersfield. ‘Pickney Power and Politicised Childhoods’
11. September 2008. Barbados. ‘Action for Children’ and UNICEF. Forum to promote child friendly budgeting in the British Overseas Territories. ‘The Socio-economic Costs of Child Sexual Abuse’
12. March 2009. Manchester, UK. The Louise Dacacodia Educational Trust – International Women’s Day Conference. ‘It takes a whole village to raise a child- a woman’s perspective’
13. October 2009. Drakensburg, South Africa. National Social Workers Congress 2009 1st Joint Congress of ASASWEI and NASW.
14. November 2009. Grenada. Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, Issues for Grenada – Presentation to the Government Cabinet together with UNICEF
15. January 2010. Anguilla. Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, Issues for Anguilla – Presentation to the Government Cabinet together with UNICEF
16. January 2010. Montserrat. Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, Issues for Montserrat – Presentation to the Government Cabinet together with UNICEF
17. January 2010. Nevis. Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, Issues for St. Kitts and Nevis – Presentation to the Government Cabinet together with UNICEF
18. January 2010. St. Kitts. Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, Issues for St. Kitts and Nevis – Presentation to the Government Cabinet together with UNICEF
19. August 2010. Massachusetts, USA. Stop It Now! Webinair. ‘Culturally Contexted Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse: An Overview of Research Findings’
20. August 2010. Massachusetts, USA. Stop It Now! Webinair. ‘Patriarchy, Gender Inequality and Culture: Colliding Dynamics in the Construction of Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean’
21. August 2010. Massachusetts, USA. Stop It Now! Webinair. ‘Deconstructing Narratives of Child Abuse’
22. Oct 2010. Dominica. Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, Issues for Dominica – Presentation to the Government Cabinet together with UNICEF
23. November 2010. Romania. Children of Imprisoned Parents – COPING Public Awareness Event
24. January 2011. Huddersfield, UK. Huddersfield Women Graduates Association. ‘Reflections on an Academic Career’
25. April 2011. Trinidad- University of The West Indies. ‘Research and Practice for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse’
26.April 2011. Paris. Children of Imprisoned Parents – COPING Public Awareness Event
27. April 2011. Trinidad. IGDS. Break the Silence Campaign. ‘The Socio-economic Costs of CSA’
28. April 2011. Trinidad. UWI – Knowledge Transfer Project. ‘Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean, an overview of research findings’
29. May 2011. York University. Children of Prisoners: Mitigations and Interventions to Improve Mental Health; an FP7 Project
30. September 2011. Stockholm, Sweden. Children of Imprisoned Parents – COPING Public Awareness Event
31. September 2011. Cape Town, South Africa. World Health Organisation, 5th Milestones Meeting for the Prevention of Global Violence
32. March 2012. Huddersfield, UK. Children of Imprisoned Parents: Issues for Schools– Knowledge Dissemination Conference
33. April 2012. Germany. Children of Imprisoned Parents – COPING Knowledge Dissemination Conference
34. May 2012. Jamaica. UNICEF Sub-regional meeting on Violence against Children
35. June 2012. Uganda. Wells of Hope Study visit – Children of Imprisoned Parents
36. June 2012. UK. Opportunities and Challenges in Feminist Narrative Research Conference
37. July 2012. UK. Africa Utopia- ‘Quick Hide Madonna’s Coming: Africa and Adoption
38. October 2012. Manchester – Pennine Care National Health Trust. ‘Health Professional Responses and Responsibilities in Addressing Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
39. November 2012. Brussels, Belgium. COPING with a Parent in Prison: An Agenda for Policy Reform
40. November 2012. Barbados. UN Women, UNICEF and UNiTE Subregional Conference- “Combating Sexual Violence against Children in The Caribbean: From Isolated Actions to Integrated Strategies”
41. December 2012. University of Huddersfield. ‘Adoption or Residential Care’ (with Sir Martin Narey – Government Advisor on Adoption)
42. February 2013. Barbados. UNICEF, UWI and British High Commission. ‘Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean – Public Lecture
43. February 2013. Trinidad- University of The West Indies. ‘Multi-professional Seminar on Child Sexual Abuse’ with Department of Psychiatry
44. February 2013. Trinidad- University of The West Indies. ‘Workshop for Schools and Education Social Workers – Identifying and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse’
45. February 2013. Barbados – University of The West Indies. ‘Multi-professional Seminar on Child Sexual Abuse’
46. March 2013. UK. International Social Work Day, Keynote Speaker, University of Huddersfield
47. April 2013. UK. ‘Deconstructing Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse’, The University of Leeds.
48. June 2013. UK. How do you solve a problem like crime in West Yorkshire? ‘COPING Findings and Recommendations’
49. September 2013. Romania. ‘The Social Implications of Women’s Economic Migration’. The International Conference on Gender, Work, Family and Change. University of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Romania.
50. May 2014. Sweden. On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. ‘Child-Friendly Justice: What it Means and How it is Realized’, Stockholm University.
51. January 2015. Huddersfield. ‘The Crisis in Child Protection: Lessons from the Caribbean’, The Crisis in Child Protection Conference.
52. February 2015. Manchester. ‘Impact of parental incarceration on mental health and outcomes for children’, IHoP Conference- Supporting Children and Families affected by Parental Offending in Greater Manchester.
53. March 2015. Grenada. Launch of Project Rise (Partnership between Sandals and the Sweet Water Foundation)
54. April 2015. Honduras. Invitation to provide specialist expertise on violence against children to Heads of UNICEF regional meeting
55. July 2015. Milton Keynes. ‘The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development’, Joint Council for Social Work Education and Research Biennial Conference.
56. Nov 2015. Manchester. Contact Theatre – Guest panelist for Why? Young People’s Festival
57. Nov 2015. Lancaster. ‘Children of Prisoners’ Keynote Speaker at Barnardos/Partners of Prisoners’ I-HOP Conference.
58. Nov 2015. Preston. ‘Male Status and Impunity in the Sexual Abuse of Children’. UCLAN Seminar Series
59. Nov 2015. Salford. ‘Abasindi and Black Women’s Activism’, Politics of Location Conference, Salford University
60. Oct 2015. Manchester. ‘Launch of Catching Hell and Doing Well’, Manchester Metropolitan University
61. March 2016. Huddersfield. ‘Slavery and CSE’ Launch of Secure Societies
62. March 2016. Huddersfield. International Social Work Day – Opening Speaker
63. March 2016. BBC – Interviewed for the Click Radio Programme
64. Aug 2016. EU – None in Three Knowledge Dissemination Event, Barbados
65. Oct 2016. Manchester. Contact Theatre – Guest panelist for Why? Young People’s Festival
66. March 2017. London, Foreign and Commonwealth Office – Invited to make a presentation to the High Commissioner to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean on gender issues.
External Examiner:
1. 2009- University of The West Indies, Masters in Social Work – HIV-AIDS Prevention, Management & Treatment
2. 2009- University of The West Indies, Masters in Social Work – HIV-AIDS Programme Implementation
3. 2011- University of London, Royal Holloway, Department of Health and Social Care. Masters in Leadership and Management (children and families)
4. 2013- University of Surrey – PhD Examiner
5. 2013 – University of Sheffield – PhD Examiner
6. 2014 & 2015 – University of Middlesex – PhD Examiner
7. 2015 – University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa – PhD Examiner
8. 2016 – University of Manchester – PhD Examiner.
Other Marks of Esteem:
1. April 2014. Invited to attend the UK Foreign Office to provide a briefing on gender issues to the newly appointed British High Commissioner for the Eastern Caribbean, OECS and CARICOM
2. Invited as Co-PI for University of the West Indies study of domestic violence (TT$500,000)
3. Editor/author of the first book on Child Sexual Abuse in the Caribbean (Jones, A. (Ed.) (2013) Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean, London: Palgrave Macmillan). UNICEF hosted book launch (February 2013) and British High Commission awarded a £16,000 Knowledge Transfer grant for a series of lectures in Barbados and Trinidad to maximise the book’s impact
4. Publication (Jones, A. (Ed.) (2013) Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: Perspectives from the Caribbean, London: Palgrave Macmillan) promoted by Alpha Galileo Foundation as its ‘featured book’ of week on the organisation’s main page
5. Jan-March 2013. BBC – interviews about the COPING Project featured in 39 local BBC radio programmes across the UK
6. External Promotions Assessor for the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of The West Indies, Trinidad
7. External Promotions Assessor for the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ghana
8. External Professorial Promotions Assessor for the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of The West Indies, Jamaica
9. Oct. 2010. Letter of commendation on the quality of the research on child sexual abuse in the Eastern Caribbean by UNICEF Representative Tom Olsen.
10. Nov. 2015. Invited to the Instalment Ceremony for the Chancellor of the University of Manchester
11. March 2016. Caribbean Media Corporation. Film of Public Address on Domestic Violence distributed across 32 Caribbean TV stations
12. March 2016. BBC – Featured in the BBC’s global Click programme
13. Aug 2016. BBC – Appeared on a Radio 4 programme about the life of international poet and playwright Lemn Sissay
14. Sept. 2016. Letter of commendation on the achievements of the None in Three project sent by HE Mikael Barfod EU Ambassador to the Eastern Caribbean – notification also sent to the Human Rights office of the EU, Brussels
15. Nov. 2016. Awarded winner of the NCCPE (National Coordinating Council for Public Engagement) award in the category ‘Health and Wellbeing’ for public engagement activities in the None in Three project
16. Nov. 2016. Interviews on the None in Three project with BBC radio stations in Derby, Leicester and Liverpool
17. Dec. 2016. Invited expert consultant at the Oak Foundation (Switzerland) annual review and programming meeting
18. March 2017. Invited keynote speaker at the inaugural conference of the International Coalition for Children of Incarcerated Parents (INCCIP), New Zealand
19. April 2017. Invited to attend the UK Foreign Office to provide a briefing to the newly appointed British High Commissioner for the Eastern Caribbean, OECS and CARICOM in respect of gender issues
20. In addition to radio appearances, over the years research I have led has been the feature of numerous articles in the written press.