The School of Human and Health Sciences is seeking to appoint a world-leading expert (Professor/Reader) in research on gender-based violence (GBV) from the disciplines of Social Work, Sociology or Psychology. The successful candidate will lead and expand the work of the None in Three Centre for the Prevention of Gender-based Violence and significantly advance the School’s strategic goals of international excellence and leadership in the study of GBV more generally.
This recruitment is important succession planning for Ni3; the current Director will be stepping back from the role and we now seek to appoint a successor who, following a transition and handover period, can take the Centre forward and expand its work to other countries and other forms of gender-based violence through securing additional grant funding. The successful candidate will provide leadership of the Centre and specialist subject expertise in relation to gender-based violence/violence against children and experience of working in diverse cultural/country contexts, including low and middle-income countries. It is anticipated that the new Director will split his/her time between leading the Centre and leading GBV research and teaching in the School more widely.
The School is committed to internationalisation and the successful candidate will need to have a proven record of international collaboration and research leadership.
For further information see the vacancy listing on the University of Huddersfield website, and apply online by 10th August 2020.