None in Three Centre Director, Professor Nadia Wager; Founder, Professor Adele Jones OBE and, Operations Manager, Vikki Hart showcased the Centre’s work to members of the Tech Coalition, as part of their research webinar series last month.
Tech Coalition is an alliance of global technology companies, who are working together to combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA). Membership of the alliance includes organisations such as Apple, Google, Amazon, TikTok and Twitter amongst many others.
Having an invitation to meet with the tech giants of the world is a clear indication of the reach and significance of the Centre’s work as Vikki observes,
This was an amazing opportunity; we shared information about our global partnerships, our foundational research, and details of our current projects in preventing CSEA. Those attending were particularly keen to learn more about the way we take great care to ensure the cultural authenticity of our games; for example, in the way we take account of the local context of the country we are working in; including how the characters dress, their accents, the vocabulary they use and even down to the detail of the food they eat. Since the presentation we have been contacted to explore the possibility of our games reaching a wider audience. This is an exciting development and provides great scope for the progression of our innovative approaches.
In response to the presentation, Kay Chau, Director of Programs for the Tech Coalition commented,
We were grateful that None in Three presented for us, and we believe that their foundational research is incredibly important to understanding and preventing online child sexual abuse and exploitation. We look forward to collaborating with None in Three in the future.’
A recording of the presentation can be found here.
None in Three is currently delivering a two-year research project in collaboration with partners in Brazil; which addresses the prevention of online abuse and is being funded by UNICEF-backed End Violence Fund.
Visit the None in Three webpages to find out more about the Centre’s work.